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Contributing to lakeFS-spec

Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project!

We appreciate issue reports, pull requests for code and documentation, as well as any project-related communication through GitHub Discussions.

Getting Started

To get started with development, you can follow these steps (requires an installation of uv):

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the directory and install the development dependencies into a virtual environment:

    cd lakefs-spec
    uv sync --all-groups
  3. After making your changes, verify they adhere to our Python code style by running pre-commit:

    uv run pre-commit run --all-files

    You can also set up Git hooks through pre-commit to perform these checks automatically:

    uv run pre-commit install
  4. To run the tests against an ephemeral lakeFS instance, you just run pytest:

    uv run pytest

    To spin up a local lakeFS instance quickly for testing, you can use the Docker Compose file bundled with this repository:

    docker-compose -f hack/compose.yml up

Updating dependencies

Dependencies should stay locked for as long as possible, ideally for a whole release. If you have to update a dependency during development, you should do the following:

  1. If it is a core dependency needed for the package, add it to the dependencies section in the pyproject.toml via uv add <dep>.
  2. In case of a development dependency, add it to the dev section of the project.dependency-groups table instead (uv add --group dev <dep>).
  3. Dependencies needed for documentation generation are found in the docs sections of project.dependency-groups (uv add --group docs <dep>).

After adding the dependency in either of these sections, lock all dependencies again:

uv lock

Working on Documentation

Improvements or additions to the project's documentation are highly appreciated.

The documentation is based on the MkDocs and Material for MkDocs (mkdocs-material) projects, see their homepages for in-depth guides on their features and usage. We use the Numpy documentation style for Python docstrings.

To build the documentation locally, you need to first install the optional docs dependencies from pyproject.toml, e.g., with uv sync --group docs. You can then start a local documentation server with uv run mkdocs serve, or build the documentation into its output folder in public/.

In order to maintain documentation for multiple versions of this library, we use the mike tool, which automatically maintains individual documentation builds per version and publishes them to the gh-pages branch.

The GitHub CI pipeline automatically invokes mike as part of the release process with the correct version and updates the GitHub pages branch for the project.