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Error translation facilities to map lakeFS API errors to Python-native OS errors in the lakeFS file system.

This is important to honor the fsspec API contract, where users only need to expect builtin Python exceptions to avoid complicated error handling setups.


    error: ServerException,
    rpath: str | None = None,
    message: str | None = None,
    set_cause: bool = True,
) -> OSError

Convert a lakeFS server exception to a Python builtin exception.

For some subclasses of lakefs.exceptions.ServerException, a direct Python builtin equivalent exists. In these cases, the suitable equivalent is returned. All other classes are converted to a standard IOError.


The exception returned by the lakeFS SDK wrapper.

TYPE: ServerException


The remote resource path involved in the error.

TYPE: str | None DEFAULT: None


An error message to use for the returned exception. If not given, the error message returned by the lakeFS server is used instead.

TYPE: str | None DEFAULT: None


Whether to set the __cause__ attribute to the previous exception if the exception is translated.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


A builtin Python exception ready to be thrown.

Source code in src/lakefs_spec/
def translate_lakefs_error(
    error: ServerException,
    rpath: str | None = None,
    message: str | None = None,
    set_cause: bool = True,
) -> OSError:
    Convert a lakeFS server exception to a Python builtin exception.

    For some subclasses of ``lakefs.exceptions.ServerException``, a direct Python builtin equivalent exists.
    In these cases, the suitable equivalent is returned. All other classes are converted to a standard ``IOError``.

    error: ServerException
        The exception returned by the lakeFS SDK wrapper.
    rpath: str | None
        The remote resource path involved in the error.
    message: str | None
        An error message to use for the returned exception.
         If not given, the error message returned by the lakeFS server is used instead.
    set_cause: bool
        Whether to set the ``__cause__`` attribute to the previous exception if the exception is translated.

        A builtin Python exception ready to be thrown.
    status = error.status_code

    if hasattr(error, "body"):
        # error has a JSON response body attached
        reason = error.body.get("message", "")
        reason = error.reason

    emsg = f"{status} {reason}".rstrip()
    if rpath:
        emsg += f": {rpath!r}"

    constructor = HTTP_CODE_TO_ERROR.get(status, partial(IOError, errno.EIO))
    custom_exc = constructor(message or emsg)

    if set_cause:
        custom_exc.__cause__ = error
    return custom_exc